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薔薇獄少女Musics : A.P./Etc. 2014. 5. 28. 22:19
Maiden of rose jail - 원 곡명은 薔薇獄乙女(Baragoku-Otome) 이나,곡명을 구성하는 한자어 중 일부는 국내에서는 사용되지 않는 것이라비슷한 의미를 가지는 단어로 대체했습니다. - - - Are you escaping from or chasing afterUntil you can't know what it is?Look at me and go deeperTo drown in the hellish nectar of unrest Devilish talons and corroded bonesMake grating and reeling sounds.Is this love or is it more like hatred?Is an answer necessary?
Beijing LoversMusics : A.P./Etc. 2014. 5. 22. 22:25
Beijing Lovers - - - Laugh, please just laugh, at foolish myself. Every night when you and I make love under the guidance of destruction, what's conceived in my womb is nothing but burning flames. What do women intend to burn to ashes when they give birth to love? 사진에 보이는 곳의 소재지 : 상하이(上海)
월식 Grand GuignolMusics : A.P./Etc. 2014. 5. 14. 21:39
Grand Guignol de Eclipse Lunaire - - -Les frais généraux sont chimères,Je tombe au fond de l'enferLe rideau se lève sur les ténèbres dans le Grand GuignolThanatos et Eros prendre par la main et danser autour.Le carnaval de la luxure.Tout le monde est dans une foule,Rêves absorbés dans la solitude et voyant interdits.