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The Riddle StoryMusics : R.A. 2014. 8. 4. 22:26
Riddle Story - - - Another story begins inThe world of the memories of old days.In the repeated memoriesThe story will be continued eternally.Riddle of mission is casted in the world of stories. And in the day that the frozen world is covered by snow,Person of mission will solve the riddle appears.
IrisMusics : R.A. 2014. 7. 24. 22:19
Iris - - - The azure flower blooms in the mystic black night.With embracing mysterious blue light,It shines like the blue star.Starlight of the earth guides the souls in the darknessWho are craving the bless of heavenly shine.
Precipitation at the EntranceMusics : R.A. 2014. 7. 22. 22:52
Precipitation at the Entrance - - - That was the moment for beginning of all.If the moment would not come,I should not have the ridiculous choice. After the mysterious circle has been figured in the storm,Sky began to cry and shed the bloody tears.Eventually, I could realize.Though it is so reasonable,But it is just aery greed in nowadays. With the storm..
EntranceMusics : R.A. 2014. 7. 21. 22:51
Entrance - - - That was the moment for beginning of all.After the mysterious circle has been figured in the storm,Sky began to cry and shed the bloody tears.With the storm like the roar of fury,Civilization of world has been ruined and wrecked,With the law of the old world.
PrecipitationMusics : R.A. 2014. 7. 18. 23:02
Precipitation If the moment would not come,I should not have the ridiculous affection.Surely, I could return that was my precious thing.However, my trial for returning my daysHad no considerations about the result of my wish. Eventually, I could realize.Though it is so reasonable,But it is just aery greed in nowadays.However, though I want to return all ..
Les Parfums de l'AmourMusics : R.A. 2014. 7. 11. 23:43
Les Parfums de l'Amour - - - Love like bless is aromatic, very aromatic.Love is brilliant bloom of green fields.The bloom is fragrant that can dazzle people's heart.The perfume of heaven is love,Love like angelic blessing.
Secret GardenMusics : R.A. 2014. 7. 8. 22:57
Secret Garden - - - With being guided by mysterious voice,The girl went into the deep dark forest.And after passing the ring of fairies,She saw the scene what she has never seen.It was the misty green flower land.Many kinds of brilliant flowers are bloomingIn the woods that the sun can't shine.