Freedom Dive↓ - - -
Music from the album 'Parousia' - 11th track Sedap Malam - - - Sedap Malam (세답 말람) -Polianthes Tuberosa. 달맞이꽃의 일종으로, 새하얀 색을 띠는 꽃.
Music from the album 'Parousia' - 10th track Beatrice - - -
Music from the album 'Parousia' - 9th track Halcyon - - -
Music from the album 'Parousia' - 8th track Breakthrough Atmosphere - - -
Music from the album 'Parousia' - 7th track Ascension to Heaven - - -
Music from the album 'Parousia' - 6th track Mirage Garden - - -
Music from the album 'Parousia' - 5th track Blue Zenith - - -
Music from the album 'Parousia' - 4th track Peace Breaker - - -
Music from the album 'Parousia' - 3rd track Evolve Cybernation - - -
Music from the album 'Parousia' : 2nd track Finder Keepers - - -
Music from the album 'Parousia' : 1st track Parousia - - - Parousia (빠루시아) - 이상의 현존