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End of StoryMusics : ERA 2014. 9. 27. 01:24
17th track of the album 'Selentia' End of Story - - - With the time of blue night's end,The final page of night stories has been closedBut, after the night,The dawn will breaksAnd the life will go on.Because although the story has been finished,The life can't be ended with it,
SelentiaMusics : ERA 2014. 9. 26. 20:10
16th track of the album 'Selentia' Selentia - - - Maiden.In the blue night that all is sleeping in the deep darkness,You are the only beauty under the sky.Even the glittering golden star lights will be jealous about you. God will bless the maiden.No one will be brighter than her. She is the jewel of the night.
PromiseMusics : ERA 2014. 9. 23. 20:46
14th track of the album 'Selentia' Promise - - - Night goes deeper,Sky is becoming gloomy blue.During time with the wind of blue night,The memories of the beautiful days is recalled to my heart. Please answer me.Can you recall the memories of the days that we could be together?Can you remember that you'd made the promise to be with me forever?
Old Style Viewer Ver. 2014/09/21Apps 2014. 9. 21. 00:32
링크 -Old Style Viewer - HereOld Style Viewer (C) - HereOld Style Viewer Web - HereOld Style Viewer (C) Web - Here 변경 사항 -1. 공통- 사실상 무의미했던 Image Smoothing 옵션 제거. 2. Retro Viewer- 변환 모드 추가SAM Coupe 관련 2 개 항목 추가.Atari ST 의 특정 그래픽 툴(Supercolor Paint Tools)로 구현 가능한 그래픽 스타일 항목들을 (아는 대로) 추가.MZ-2500 항목 추가. 항목 순서 :1. Old Style Viewer애플 -> MSX -> 서양 8 비트 H/W -> IBM-PC -> 제록스 앨토, 매킨토시, 넥스트 -> 서양 16/32 비트 H/..
Hit the Ground Too HardMusics : ERA 2014. 9. 13. 09:01
10th track of the album 'Selentia' Hit the Ground Too Hard - - - Challenge is always dangerousAnd nobody knows what the failure brings.So the challenge is always reckless. However,Because no one will not do itAnd it can be marvelous things for who is chosen,It can be valuable.With the trust of the truth,I am challenging like the hitting the ground.
Retired Precious MomentsMusics : ERA 2014. 9. 12. 22:21
9th track of the album 'Selentia' Retired Precious Moments - - - There was many thing in the hot days.Many kinds of rewardable was in them.On the other hand, many kinds of vacant was in them.Nevertheless,In these times that all of passion has been reduced to ashes,All of them was the precious time for me at last.
Old Style Viewer Ver. 2014/09/07Apps 2014. 9. 7. 18:18
링크 -Old Style Viewer - HereOld Style Viewer (C) - HereOld Style Viewer Web - HereOld Style Viewer (C) Web - Here Web Safe Color Style (216 Colors) FMR-60/70/80 Style (1120x750, 16/4096 Colors) 변경 사항 -1. Retro Viewer(1) 8/512, 8/4096, 16/4096, 32/4096 색 팔레트 모드 변환 구조의 조정.(2) 변환 모드 추가 :- 공통 : Atari ST, Atari STE, Atari TT- App Ver. : Atari 800- Web Ver. : VGA, Mode 13H, FM-TOWNS 2. Retro Viewer (C)..