Sadly Beautiful 🌟Images 2024. 4. 25. 14:16
Yustina Sara Merkuria (유스티나 사라 메르쿠리아) I'm looking at the world of starlight that is so beautiful and pure.However, seeing it also makes me feel strangely sad. 너무도 아름답고 순수한 별빛의 세상을 보고 있어.하지만, 그 모습을 보며, 이상하게 슬픈 느낌도 들어. 이전에 그렸던 이 그림을 토대로 다시 그린 그림입니다.원래 인물 명은 저스틴 S. 머큐리 (Justine S. Mercury).- 성씨의 유래는 선더포스 IV (Thunder Force IV) 의 로이 S. 머큐리.
Cherry Blossom Road 🌸🌸Images 2024. 4. 18. 01:41
Lyrna Lamishan (리르나 라미샨) The time to enjoy the scenery of cherry blossoms is short, But I can't help but love it when it's in full bloom like this. I guess that's why there have been many songs about cherry blossoms since ancient times. 벚꽃의 풍경을 즐길 시간은 짧지만, 이렇게 만발한 모습은 사랑할 수밖에 없어. 그래서 예로부터 벚꽃에 관한 노래들이 많았나 봐.
A Peaceful Waterfront 💧🌉Images 2024. 4. 12. 22:06
Eransha / Eransya Aymelis (에란샤 아이멜리스) Even in the cold wind, flowers bloomed, and the wind began to change. Now that it's spring, we can move a little more actively. It'll be okay to go in the water, 찬 바람 속에서도 꽃은 피고, 바람이 변하기 시작했어. 이제 봄이 됐으니, 조금 더 활발하게 움직여도 되겠지. 물 속에 들어가도 괜찮을 거야.
With the Stars of Spring ✨💫Images 2024. 4. 2. 02:49
왼쪽 - Tefira Berti (테피라 베르티) / 오른쪽 - Asmika Lesa (아스미카 레사) "Now, spring is back, we should practice rhythmic gymnastics again, right?" "I heard you're not going to a competition this time?" "When did we do this while looking at the competition?" "봄이 돌아왔으니, 체조 연습도 다시 해야 하겠지?" "이번에는 대회 안 나간다며?" "언제 우리가 대회 바라보며 이랬니?" ---
Cherry Blossom Tour at Night 🌟🌸Images 2024. 3. 29. 18:35
왼쪽 - Anita Nieras (아니타 니에라스) / 오른쪽 - Aira Nela (아이라 넬라) As always, when spring comes and pink flowers start to bloom, we go on a trip to see the flowers, Hoping to be together in a landscape full of cherry blossoms. "You had a great time looking at flowers last time, right? What was the most beautiful thing?" "It's YOU." ---
A Peaceful Day 😺👩👧Images 2024. 3. 26. 17:55
왼쪽 : Yulia Scindi (율리아 신디) / 오른쪽 : Yanua Scindi (야누아 신디) My youngest sister asked me to go to the toy store with her. She seems to have become interested in the humanoid model. "Look over there! There are interesting prey!" 막냇동생이 날더러 함께 장난감 가게에 가자고 했다. 인간형 기계의 모형에 새삼스레 재미를 붙이기 시작한 것 같다. "저기 봐! 흥미로운 사냥감들이 있어!" ---
Romantic Triangle 🌱△Images 2024. 3. 22. 21:31
Tefira Berti (테피라 베르티) - 왼쪽 Asmika Lesa (아스미카 레사) - 오른쪽 In spring, you can see The stars of the saint, the stars of the shepherd, and the stars of the lion Gathering like a triangle. "What's this? Our feet don't match again!" "Huh!" (You kept making mistakes, too) - Despite that, we're close to each other. We wanted to create a better moment. 봄이 되면 성녀의 별과 목동의 별 그리고 사자의 별이 하나의 삼각형처럼 모이는 모습을 볼 수 있..
The Demon of the Dark Forest 🌳😈Images 2024. 3. 20. 18:10
Klaris Leranita (클라리스 레라니타) The warrior is was once called the incarnation of freedom, But eventually it was destroyed and abandoned in the war. And, in the end, the wreckage is occupied by An evil spirit and united with the devil tree of the forest. ..... It was a hero who made a great record early on. But for some reason, it is now integrated with the devil tree. The erosion of the evil spirit..