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A-17 DestroyerTalking 2014. 1. 27. 02:32
요즘 들어 하루에 한 번씩 '그날이 오면 for Kakao' 라는 게임을 즐기고 있습니다.그런데...... 이후로는 심각한 분위기의 개인적 발언이 이어집니다.혹시라도 보시기를 원하신다면 아래 항목을 눌러주세요. 그러다가 플레이어 전투기 중 하나가 선더포스 5 에 등장한 전투기와 거의 비슷하게 생겼다는 이야기를 웹 사이트 돌다가 우연히 발견했었습니다. 그래서 정말일까, 싶은 생각에 한 번 살펴보니...... 이게 그 문제의 전투기 A-17 '디스트로이어'. 이건 썬더포스 5 에 등장한 전투기인 RVR-01 '건틀릿'. 이건 썬더포스 후속작(발매는 되지 않음)을 고려했었다는 Garow 라는 디자이너가 구상한 '시링크스'.이 디자인을 SGGG 에서 멋대로 활용했다하여 관련된 문제가 일어난 적이 있었음. - -..
Dog Fight BluesMusics 2014. 1. 25. 23:38
From the animation : Area 88 - - - Please bury me under the silent sand if I were dead. Please let me sleep soundly forever.I don't need the white roseBecause it makes me recall my dried old love. Fallen the broken wing is my brilliant tombstone.So I don't need the cross.
Karl CaresMusics : F.Y./Etc. 2014. 1. 21. 22:32
From the decisive battle of Brandish 2 Karl Cares - - - The ridiculous kings are omnipresent.To make great garrison state,He has gained the power of heaven and has made the monster warriors.And to rule whole of the world, He reformed himself as 'Godd'. Of course, I also know the intent is out of the law of heaven.However, there is no future to us if we don't make conclusion!The winner will overt..
Star TraderMusics : F.Y./Etc. 2014. 1. 16. 23:40
From the ending theme of 'Star Trader' Star Trader - - - Time has been flowed.And the activity range of the mankind has been widenedOutside the earth. However,The fantasy of adventure and the legend from the adventurersIs continued in this cosmic age.
My Lord, Our BraveMusics : F.Y./Etc. 2014. 1. 10. 22:59
Music from Ys Origin Original Arranged - - - To overcome the fear,You must have two important things.The first one is the will can help you achieve something surely.And the second one is the courage can endure even the devil's terror. Those don't emerge normally.The deep trust for your precious and important existences can bring themAnd you can overcome fear and bring justice to this world.
Scars of the Divine WingMusics : F.Y./Etc. 2014. 1. 9. 22:34
Music from Ys Origin Original Arranged - - - Blood assembles to make stream,Scream of tragedy echoes in the dark sky.The aura of death fills all over the land,The souls are suffering in the chaotic flare. This is the state of this tragic land.In here, only the sorrow rules,And no one even the goddess of bless cannot be exception.
Silent DesertMusics : F.Y./Etc. 2014. 1. 8. 05:45
Music from Ys Origin Original Arranged - - - In the wandering in wilderness,Storm blows violently,Lightning strikes and figures the terror of despair. No one knows the beyond.But we must not give up.We have to know that we can reach the end of age of despair with hope.