

Bay of Twinkles ✨
Images 2025.02.26 09:03

Sefina Lyzien (IPA : [sefina lɪzi.en], 세피나 리지엔) When the weather gets warmer, the fairies of light and water will play more vigorously. 날이 따스해지면 빛과 물의 요정들도 더욱 활기차게 뛰어 놀겠지.

Beautiful Beach 🌼
Images 2025.02.24 09:54

Sefina Lyzien (IPA : [sefina lɪzi.en], 세피나 리지엔)I hope that someday the whole world will regain its warm days... 언젠가 온 세상이 따스한 날들을 되찾기를 바라며.....

Dreamy Blue Seaside 🏖
Images 2025.02.19 10:01

Sofirea Bardal (IPA : [sofire.a bardal], 소피레아 바르달) Is there such a beautiful beach during the day and at night? 낮에도 밤에도 이토록 아름다운 바닷가가 과연 있을까요?

Dreaming Magician Girl 🌟
Images 2025.02.17 09:25

Lasha Elkyin (IPA : [laʃa elkʲin], 라샤 엘킨) I will be the guardian of the world where the stars shining! 별빛이 내리는 세상의 수호자가 될 거야!

Air Spell - Lightning Blast 🌩️⚡
Images 2025.02.12 09:06

Sarina Alfyel (IPA : [saɾina alfjel])Air is everywhere, and sometimes it's sweet for everyone.Sometimes it shines the scariest light in the world.You sinisters, by the air, BE JUDGED!!! 바람은 어디에나 있고, 때로는 누구에게나 상냥하지만때로는 세상에서 가장 무서운 빛을 발하지.악당들아, 바람이 내리는 심판을 받아라!!!

Earth Spell - Magical Shield 🌳🛡
Images 2025.02.10 09:29

Lukia Kastria (IPA : [luki.a kastɹi.a], 루키아 카스트리아)This is a place where there is a tender warmth at day, a clear starlight at night,And a forest where pure animals run around,I want to protect this beautiful land with my own hands. 낮에는 따스한 온기가, 밤에는 맑은 별빛이 있는 곳,순수한 생명체들이 뛰어노는 수풀이 있는 곳,이 아름다운 땅을 내 손으로 지키고 싶어.

Water Spell - Ocean Bubbles 💧🫧
Images 2025.02.05 09:40

Asar Valenoa (IPA : [asar valeno.a], 아사르 발레노아)Water bubbles can be created easily,And have many uses depending on the sizes.Their uses range from launching with water to sealing ancient things. 물거품은 간단히 생성할 수 있고,크기에 따라 여러가지 용도를 가지지.그 용도는 물을 담아 발사하는 것부터, 고대의 사념을 가두는 것에 이르러.

Fire Spell - Fireballs 🔥☄️
Images 2025.02.03 09:26

Letea Karits (IPA : [lete.a kaɹits], 레테아 카리츠)It's a relatively simple spell of attracting fire,But there's no reason to look insignificant,Because it can produce from fire beads to even small SUN. 불을 끌어모으는 비교적 간단한 마법이라고 하지만,그렇다고 하찮게 보면 안 돼.불 구슬부터 시작해서 작은 태양까지 생성할 수 있으니까.

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