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잃어버린 가면을 찾아서Musics : F.Y./Celceta 2013. 4. 22. 23:40
Mask of the Sun : 청동의 거리 Perfect Collection : 청동의 거리 It is a heritage from the ancient age.It was the symbol of the age of glory. However,After the age,The land of glory has been ruined,And has been prohibited to these days. What is the secret of prohibition?What is the truth of after the age?We must find out about them.
LefansMusics : F.Y./Celceta 2013. 4. 21. 23:40
Mask of the Sun Perfect Collection Here is the memorial place for the great one.His bravery and wisdom removed the terror of tyrants,And finished the history of cruelty. The great revolution was called as 'Great Betray' at first,But in these days, most of historians does not say it any more.His will of revolution became the basis of eternal happiness of people. I am in front of the monument for ..
신대의 땅Musics : F.Y./Celceta 2013. 4. 20. 21:18
In ancient days,There was the great warfare.It effected to all around of this world, The world was raging,And has been dyed to red.The time of nightmare was passing in the chaos. At last, a warrior repressed the origin of the warfareAnd reprised for the victims by them.The lord ruled all of this world with his power and moral.He became the hero of the world.
고대의 전승Musics : F.Y./Celceta 2013. 4. 18. 23:41
Mask of the Sun Perfect Collection In the deep, dark place in the great forestThat is unknown to people,There are the people live with keeping their traditionSucceeded from the ancient ages. The memories of the people will be the important dataFor understanding the old age historyOf the region includes the forest.
인도의 탑 ~ Eldeel 에게 입맞춤을Musics : F.Y./Celceta 2013. 4. 13. 21:26
Mask of the Sun : 황금의 신전 Prefect Collection : 용암지대 From long time ago,People calls the tower, 'Sanctuary'. There is a being that has ability that over any other humans'.Humans stand in awe to the beingAnd construct the tower that symbols the dignity of the being.
진실로의 서곡Musics : F.Y./Celceta 2013. 4. 13. 21:25
Mask of the Sun : 뇌우의 성역 (유사의 계곡) Knowing truth does not meanThat you can know the truth you can see and endure enough. Knowing truth means not only that, but alsoThat you can know the truth you can see and endure arduously. It can be difficult to you.However, we should seek the truthTo prevent shaking history by artificial story for power.