Joyful Summer VacationImages 2023. 8. 11. 21:18
Selin Smarajna Rezail (셀린 스마라즈나 레자일), Sorna Lazies (소르나 라지에스) Joyful Summer Vacation 🌞🌊 I've heard this story before. It was originally a humanoid weapon's arm, but it was found recently after sinking on the sea floor. You know it well. You know, that arm is not rusty, it's painted in bronze, it's painted in the same color as the hand-shaped structure that was built in the old civilization. 즐거운 ..
Lysika and Lymiera -Night-Images 2023. 8. 3. 21:42
Lysika and Lymiera (리시카, 리미에라) 뜨거운 밤, 온 세상을 밝힐 것만 같은 열정의 시간. 참고 : Lysika and Lymiera Lysika (리시카), Lymiera (리미에라) Earth Light Fantasia Look down the scene. Under the sea of clouds, There's a palace surrounded By blue waves, A village above it, And green bushes. It is part of a planet called paradise. 지구광 판타지아 Lysika and Lymiera (Complete) Lysika and Lymiera (리시카, 리미에라) The beau..
Knights of the Five Colors -Summer-Images 2023. 8. 2. 14:23
Asakia Vagari (아사키아 바가리) Sine omnia quae te laedunt. Iacta onera tua in tenebras. Et ædifica fidelibus domum lucis. 참고 : A Portrait of a Girl and Flowers Asakia Vagari (아사키아 바가리) In tenui sole, tibi cui stant, Dono flores candidos. Cum digitis tangas et pectore tenes, Flores in gemma aperit. Knights of the Five Colors Knights of the Five Colors Ratio deceptionem arguit. Gratia ..
Knights of the Nights -Summer-Images 2023. 8. 1. 15:41
Kistia Vagari (키스티아 바가리) Nos purgatores sumus, lux mundans omnes umbras. Nos expulsores sumus. fatum stinguens omnes candelas. 참고 : A Portrait of a Maid 어느 메이드의 초상. Angeli vocant gaudia. Diaboli vocant dolores. Populi dicunt quod sit amor. Knights of the Nights Equites Nocturni. Attentitate! 'Equites Nocturni' magni. Eorum missio poena est; faciunt aspere. Ducunt qui mali sunt,..
The Ruined CityImages 2023. 7. 29. 16:33
Maya Scindi (마야 신디) It was once the capital of a prosperous empire, But it was ruined after a disaster, And now, hundreds of years later, Only traces of the prosperity remain here. 한 때는 번영했던 제국의 수도였지만, 재앙을 맞이한 끝에 폐허가 되어버렸다. 수백여 년이 지난 지금, 이 곳은 그 영화의 흔적만이 남아있을 뿐이다.
Li Selin and Se LaveyImages 2023. 7. 27. 00:31
Li Selin (리 셀린), Se Lavey (세 라베이) Li Selin : Countless doll knights have been found in one of these ruins. By the way, I don't think I can just stick it on. Se Lavey : Bring all the dolls that are somewhat in shape! I'll collect them and restore them somehow, or I'll rebuild them. By the way! The dolls break easily, so handle them carefully, and be aware that some small ones break into small pie..
Se LaveyImages 2023. 7. 26. 11:48
Se Lavey (세 라베이) Bring all the dolls that are somewhat in shape! I'll collect them and restore them somehow, or I'll rebuild them. By the way! The dolls break easily, so handle them carefully, and be aware that some small ones break into small pieces. 형태가 어느 정도 멀쩡한 인형들은 일단 전부 가져와! 그것들을 모아서 어떻게든 복원시키든지, 아니면 새롭게 다시 만들든지 할 테니까. 아 참! 그 인형들, 잘 부서지니까, 조심해서 취급해. 그리고 작은 것들 중에는 잘게 부서져 버리는 것들도 있음에도 유의해.