Passion Like DiamondMusics 2013. 11. 22. 19:42
Passion Like Diamond
There are the passions that
Unbreakable and unfadable among the storms of life.
Passion is like the scarlet blaze,
But as fire is fugacious in the storm,
The passion can be faded in the time.
The earnest mind and
The boundless strong can be
The chamber of diamond that protects the fire named 'Passion'.
So, the passion in the earnest and boundless mind can be
The unfadable passion even in the violent storm of time.
이 음악은 제가 아는 어떤 분께서 작곡을 하셨던 것으로서,
제가 어떤 경로를 통해 받게 된 것입니다.
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그 작곡가 분이 누구인지에 대해서는 지금 현재로서는 함부로 밝히시길 곤란해 하시는 것 같아
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