The Ruined City IIImages 2023. 9. 12. 10:58
Yanua Scindi (야누아 신디)
Everywhere, there was no place that was not covered with vegetation and moss,
And vines were rising above the walls on each outer wall of the buildings.어느 곳이든, 초목들과 이끼에 뒤덮히지 않은 곳이 없었으며, 건물들의 외벽마다 덩굴들이 벽 위로 솟아나고 있었다.
이 일러스트와 관련이 있습니다 :
The Ruined City
Maya Scindi (마야 신디) It was once the capital of a prosperous empire, But it was ruined after a disaster, And now, hundreds of years later, Only traces of the prosperity remain here. 한 때는 번영했던 제국의 수도였지만, 재앙을 맞이